Sarana Menggali Wawasan dan Pengetahuan


English speech

The Relation Between Social Stratification In Education Sector

Firstable I realy wish thank to God because in this time I have an opportunity to follow this our competition. Honorable to adjudicator and also for all audiences here. Before of all let me introduce myself. I am Julianti from pelita vocational high school. I would like to deliver my speech about education, and the title is “The Relation Between Social Stratification In Education Sector.”

Ladies and gentlemen,

As we know that the social stratification it means that level or class in social structure or in the citizen. Especially in education sector social stratification is very important, because it can make someone has high level or grade in social structure. In social stratification it’s same with piramide, for up side is for high education, centre side for medium education and also under side for low education. Too many citizens who have good education they can mix and join the social groups. Because in social structure there are individualism and in every individualism have different of education. And too many social groups which have good education so automaticly our country can be improved.

I am as Indonesian very proud because Indonesia is rich country in natural resources. But, unfortunately Indonesia does not have good human resources. If all of citizens have good education I believe that we can compete with another countries like Japan or USA and can be powerful country. So, we as the generation must be thinking about that it’s for our future. Especially for vocational high school. In vocational high school we can get more knowledge and more experiences than senior high school. So, we can dirrectly get job after graduate. From our job we can get salary and also if we can to be better people, we can thnking for future. You can use your salary to continue to high level like University. It’s for adding your educaton without doing difficulty to your parent.

So please come on thinking more. Do not make our country be dissapointed. But we must get our goal to be powerful country. We can improve our country with some factors, such as:

1. Let’s master the computer or internet

From that media you must know how to operate the computer. And also on internet you can get more knowledge, you can get more skill, you can get more experiences especially in international side. Because on internet you can searh any important things in the world. Internet can help you for finding something that you want. So, do not be lazy to use it and search about any important through internet.

2. Let’s master knowledge in science and technology system

Science and technology system is very important, with technology we can found new riset and new products. Basicly Indonesia is very rich about natural resources and also we can try that for riset. Japan does not have rich natural resources but they have good human resources and can make new invention and can export it to another countries like machine, handphone, cars, and any important things. But why we can not be like them? We can use our natural resources to make new riset or products.

If we can improve human resources we can compete with another countries and automaticly we can improve country. Do not be lazy for practising because practise will make us be success. Do mot be afraid if your riset fail. But, you must know that the failure is beginning rfom get success. Nothins successful before failing because if we often try and practising we can get more experiences and those experiences will make us be better than before.

3. Let’s master in sport side

I believe that every people have an ability like in the sport side. Too many kinds of sports like football, basketball, badminton, and other sports. You can vote one of them which is suitable with your ability. And you can aplicate it to make you get achivement. If you follow the competition and you can be a winner, it can make you have high level and you improve than before.

4. Let’s master the languages

In the world and every countries have the different languages. From languages we can make relationship with another people in another countries. Especially english, because english is international language. But actually if you want to improve languages not only english but also another languages like japannese, french,chinesse and another languages. Because language is the capital or us to do the communication with another people in the world. Like tourist, if they come to our country. We have guest from another countries. And also if we want to introduce our culture to other countries, is very important especially the tourism slogan that we have “Visit Indonesia 2008” which is for inviting the tourist to come here. And if we don’t have ability and we can not use that languages how can we make relationship with them?

5. Let’s master our culture

Actually Indonesia has a lot of culture. Unfortunately the citizens neve care about that. It’s one factor why Malaysia always imitate our culture. Let’s compare with another countries like Japan. They always love their culture like “kimono”. Although they are the powerful country but their still love their culture and said that, “Watashi wa kimono ga suki desu”. It means that they are very love and protect about that culture. They always use “kimono” as their traditional clothes. But Indonesia forgot about that. The citizens prefer the modern clothes from abroud to rfom their own country.

6. Read as factor which can make improvement country

Carunia Mulya Firdausy as deputi of dinamika of department said that reading as factor which can make a country to be improve. Because from book we can get more experiences, from book we can get more knowledge, from book we can get more skill. So, do not be lazy for reading because book is the window of the world.

And also Mahbubani (2008) said that:

“Pendidikan dan kemajuan IPTEK merupakan faktor kunci yang mampu menjungkit pertumbuhan ekonomi”.

So, from that definition we can take the conclution that if we want to be powerful country we must gave good education and master some of important factors, are IPTEK or technology.

And also God promise to us and said that

“Wahai orang-orang yang beriman kami akan meningkatkan derajat kalian bagi orang-orang yang mau menuntut ilmu dan memiliki pendidikan yang tinggi. Tuntutkah ilmu dari sejak lahir sampai ke liang kubur”.

So, education is very important for us. And God will give us the high level or class if we have god education. So, let’s us get our goal. We must believe that we can do it. Believe that Indonesia can be great country. Amien. . . .

Ladies and gentlemen,

I think enough for my speech.

Sorry for less and more. And thank you so much for this opportunity to deliver my speech.

Finally I said . . . . .”Wassalamualaikkum Wr. Wb”

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